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Do you live on Long Island and want to know what type of fuel oil is best to heat your home? With so many options available, it can be confusing to know which one to choose. In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the four most common types of fuel oil used for home heating on Long Island: these are kerosene, No. 1 fuel oil, diesel, and No. 2 fuel oil. By far the most common type of fuel is #2 oil and that’s what the majority of homes in Suffolk and Nassau counties use. We’ve reviewed all 4 types below:

Common Types of Fuel On Long Island

Kerosene: Kerosene is a clear, light oil that is commonly used as jet fuel. It is also used as a heat source in some homes, particularly in areas where natural gas is not available. Kerosene has a low sulfur content, which means it burns cleaner than other types of fuel oil. However, it is generally more expensive than other options.

No. 1 fuel oil: No. 1 fuel oil is a low-viscosity fuel that is used for a variety of purposes including heating, diesel engines, and small motors. It is similar to kerosene in terms of its chemical makeup but has a higher flash point, which means it is less likely to ignite. No. 1 fuel oil is also more expensive than No. 2 fuel oil.

Diesel: Diesel is a type of fuel oil that is commonly used to power diesel engines such as those found in trucks, buses, and boats. It is a heavier oil than kerosene or No. 1 fuel oil and has a higher sulfur content. While diesel can be used for heating, it is generally not recommended due to its higher cost and potential for odor issues. When used for heating it’s called off-road diesel or non-highway diesel. Typically off-road diesel is used for farm equipment, boats and construction equipment.

No. 2 fuel oil: No. 2 fuel oil is the most commonly used type of fuel oil for home heating on Long Island. It is a heavier oil than kerosene or No. 1 fuel oil and has a higher sulfur content, but it is also less expensive than those options. No. 2 fuel oil is ideal for use in oil-fired boilers and furnaces, and it is readily available all fuel oil suppliers on Long Island. It has an API gravity that ranges from 24 to 30 degrees and a sulfur content of 1 percent or less. Number 2 fuel oil is used in residential and commercial boilers, space heaters, water heaters, and pressure vessels.

Characteristics of Number 2 Fuel Oil

Number 2 fuel oil has the following characteristics:

  • API Gravity: 24 to 30 degrees
  • Sulfur Content: 1 percent or less

Number 2 fuel oil has many characteristics that make it attractive as a home heating oil. It burns cleanly, which means there are no visible emissions or smoke coming out of your chimney. It also produces little soot, which makes cleanup easier after an oil spill or fire.

It has a high viscosity index (VI), meaning that it resists temperature changes when it’s heated or cooled down. This makes it ideal for use during cold weather months when temperatures can swing wildly throughout the day and night.

The viscosity of number 2 fuel oil also makes it extremely stable and resistant to sludging, which occurs when sediment builds up on the bottom of an oil tank or storage container. As long as you keep your storage tank full and maintain proper levels in your furnace, you shouldn’t have any problems with sludging or other sediment-related issues.

In conclusion, knowing the different types of fuel oil available for home heating on Long Island is important when making a decision for your home heating system. While each type of fuel has its advantages and disadvantages, No. 2 fuel oil is the most common and affordable option. Long Island COD Oil Delivery offers reliable and timely delivery service of No. 2 fuel oil and other fuel oil options to help keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the colder months. Check our discount oil prices in Suffolk County, Queens County and Nassau County.